Tips to Stop Your Sony Camera From Overheating

If your Sony camera gets hot when using it for video or live streaming, here are some tips to stop your camera from overheating!

  • Remove the dummy battery and then replace it, making sure it's seated properly and maintaining good contact. (Also, if you try all of these tips and still have the issue - maybe try replacing the dummy battery in case it's gone bad over time. It doesn't happen often, but it's a possibility for any device!)
  • Try plugging the dummy battery into a different outlet, if the power to an outlet is inconsistent or running too high, it can cause heating issues.
  • Recheck your settings and make sure the "Auto Power OFF Temp" is correct. Depending on your camera, that could mean setting it to High or Off.
  • Make sure you've pulled the rear screen away from the camera. If you don't need to have the read screen on, you can also go into the settings and turn off the screen.
  • Make sure the camera isn't under/near a heating source (and away from direct sunlight), hot lights, near the exhaust of other devices, etc.
  • If you have a memory card in the camera, try removing it. Recording to your computer will help keep your camera cooler.

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